All Tickets are purchased electronically by clicking on a “buy tickets” button which takes you to our secure Thundertix page for the Not Just Jazz and Cabaret Club. There you can select purchasing membership or a concert, or perhaps a series ticket for December through March. All tickets are purchased by credit cards, the club accepts no checks or cash.

How To Purchase Membership and Tickets 2019-2020

  • A Full Social Hall Schedule from September through April is Planned for 2019-2020

  • Membership for 2109-2020 is on sale now for $15 per individual. If there are 2 people in your residence that wish to join, please buy a membership for each person who wishes to become a member. Membership is only available by credit card, on line at Please click on the red diamond area that says buy tickets (and membership). We Do Not Accept Checks or Cash

  • You must renew your membership for 2019-2020 to be eligible for the Seating Lottery for the Four Series Concerts from December through March. Every person you buy tickets for must also be a member. If you purchase tickets for others, you must include their names with the order on the Thundertix site.

  • The Double Concert, The Music of The Greatest Hits of Simon and Garfunkel and The Greatest Hits of the Eagles will be our first concert on sale for 2019-2020. The all in one concert Concert Tickets for November 9, 2019 go on sale Monday February 18, 2019 at 8:00 am for members. You will be able to pick your own seats. To purchase tickets on Monday or Tuesday you need to have renewed your membership for 2019-2020. Members have a 2 day advance priority window

  • Tickets For our 4 Concert (December through March) Series 2018-2019 will go on sale Monday March 18th  at 8:00 am. through Wednesday March 20th (or until sold out due to limited availability). $160 Per Person for All 4 Shows. You must renew your membership for 2019-2020 to buy the series. All people you buy tickets for must be members tor this new upcoming season. You may buy up to 10 tickets for members.

  • The 4 Concert Series Will Not require you to pick seating Seating will be done as a seating Lottery after the purchase window. You may purchase up to 10 seats (airline points here you come).

  • The Social Hall will be divided into 4 sections. Each ticket holder will be in a different section for each of the 4 Shows.

  •  Lottery Assignment of Seats Will Be held on or before April 8th. Tickets confirmations will be emailed to you. The tickets for all 4 shows will come to you at the same time. Please be patient. Purchasers will receive them via email before April 15th.

  • The Series of 4 concerts will include “Don McLean“ as well as the return of “Jayne Curry, The Modern Gentlemen and Green River’s Tribute to Credence Clearwater Revival. The 4 Performing Arts Center Quality Shows are only $160 for the 4 concerts. See below for list and dates.

  • There may be some Single Tickets for series shows available after the Seating Lottery is competed. The exact dates for sale of these single tickets will be announced in another email. This did not happen last year and there may not be single seats for these concerts available if the series sells out.

  • All tickets must be purchased electronically, on line at, by you or a friend who can help you. The Jazz Club does not accept Checks or Cash. Barry is available to help as well, but on the day of sale, he receives many calls for assistance. He gets to them all, but you may have to wait for him to return your call and you may miss out, as seating is limited.

For advance or current Questions on next season please email us at

What If I Can’t Find My Tickets?

Jazz Ticket Replacement Instructions

In order to serve all of our wonderful music lovers fairly and equally we have developed this message. This explanation may contain more info than applies to your individual situation, so thanks for your patience.

So, if you have misplaced or lost your tickets for a show, we feel for you. It happens eventually to most of us. So here is the process to fix this.

  • First you must try to call the person who bought the tickets and ask them to resend or reprint them for you. They may still have the original email that contained the tickets. If they don’t and they ask me, I will resend it to them. The Jazz Club does not print or distribute tickets. We are however happy to resend the email that lets the purchaser print them.
  • The Club can only send an email with a new attachment for you to reprint lost tickets, to the person who had purchased them on line at the Jazz Club site. There are no exceptions to this rule for reasons you will read below.
  • Basically this procedure is intended to insure that you get back a unique ticket with a bar code that is distinct and not in possession of anyone else. Only the first person with a unique bar code attached to a particular seat will be admitted by the ticket takers to the Social Hall. If you are not careful to get your actual correct ticket for the seat you got the first time your ticket came, and inadvertently show up with a duplicate ticket, you will gum up the works for everyone. Either you or the other person with the same seat/ ticket will not get through the door. This is especially important when we are trying to scan almost 500 tickets in 15 minutes.
  • We can only seat 10 people at a table and this system is necessary to comply with our community rules and fire laws. We can only send a reprint of tickets to the party that purchased them. If you paid a friend with a check then you did not pay The Jazz Club directly, so you must ask your friend to email us at to get a reprint pdf.
  • We cannot send or print out individual tickets. The reprint email with a “ticket PDF” will come from staff@ (only to the purchaser) and that email will have tickets for all of the people sitting with you. If for example you are a group of 6, there will be 6 tickets for the concert. If you have lost a ticket for one of the four series concerts, that pdf file will have all 4 concerts for all 6 people, or 24 tickets. (We suggest you direct whoever bought your tickets to this web page ,as they will need to help you replace them) More advanced users may know how to reprint only one single ticket from the show series pdf set of tickets.
  • All of our tickets have unique bar-codes that are scanned as you enter the Social Hall. Although you may sit anywhere at the table your ‘purchaser’ buys the ticket for, there are 10 individual seats which are numbered Table (Number of Table) and Seat (Number from 1 through 10). It is important that the person who sends you the ticket figures out which seat at the table you are supposed to have and that you or the purchaser determined this by process of elimination if necessary. (Calling all the others to find out what seat number they have so as to figure out which seat is not taken is the only way to find out which ticket you need to reprint). If you reprint them all, please destroy the unneeded duplicates so as to not accidentally use the wrong one.

So as you can see, based on the process to replace tickets, it is very important that when you receive them, you store your Jazz Tickets in a safe place. If you come to the Social Hall without a ticket, you will not be admitted by the ticket takers at the door. Please do not argue with your fellow residents or other ticket takers who are there to help us and you. You will be asked to wait outside until Jazz Club staff( likely either Frank or Barry) can help you. This may require you waiting until everyone else comes in first so we can see if there are seats for you at the table that you believe you have seats at.

On a personal note, from 7:15 to 7:30 is the most stressful time in producing these concerts. We must make sure everyone gets the seats they are entitled to. While the ticketing system has yet to make a mistake, many times a resident accidentally distributes tickets more than once. If 2 people have the same barcode, the second person entering will show red to the scanner as a duplicate and will not be allowed in. They will be asked to wait outside in the foyer of the Social Hall till everyone else is seated. Many times there are tables where more than 10 people are trying to sit. Sometimes they read table 13 instead of table 31 and show up as the 11th and 12th person demanding to sit at their table. On occasion someone forgets who was going with them and months later reprints their tickets and invites a new couple and there are 2 sets of guests for the same two seats. If this happens everyone at the table must present their tickets for us to figure out how to most fairly resolve the issue. We usually sell out for the series, so finding seats for extra concert goers is very difficult and stressful when the concert needs to start as close to 7:30 as possible.

We thank you for your cooperation now and at our shows.

Please print your tickets on white not colored paper. Please use standard printer paper not extra heavy stock as this will aid in the scanning. Unusual paper does not scan well and may result in your waiting in the Lobby until others enter.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. And of course thank you for supporting live music and The Not Just Jazz and Cabaret Club here at Valencia Shores.